Weekly Update - Jul 24th, 2015

Yosuke Furukawa (@yosuke-furukawa) & Steven Sinatra (@diagramatics)

io.js and Node.js News

This week we didn't have io.js releases. Complete changelog from previous releases can be found on GitHub.

Community Updates

Upcoming Events

  • BrazilJS Conf tickets are on sale, August 21st - 22nd at Shopping Center BarraShoppingSul
  • NodeConf EU tickets are on sale, September 6th - 9th at Waterford, Ireland
  • Node.js Italian Conference tickets are on sale, October 10th at Desenzano - Brescia, Italy
  • JSConf CO, October 16th - 17th at Ruta N, Medellin
Last Updated
Jul 24, 2015
Reading Time
1 min read
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Table of Contents
  1. Community Updates
  2. Upcoming Events